General Rules

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General Rules

1. Students and their parents should observe punctuality which is an important aspect of personality development.
2. Before coming to gurukul, the child must be made to answer the call of nature, brush his teeth, bathe, eat a nutritious breakfast and be dressed neatly in gurukul uniform.(for non hostellers)
3. Students must not be sent to gurukul with toys, money, ornaments etc. The gurukul will not be responsible if any of these articles are lost. Fee money must not be given to children.
4. If the parents wish to celebrate their child's birthday at school, it can be previously arranged with the teacher.
5. The school is not responsible for any damages/charges whatsoever for any injuries, fatal or otherwise, caused during the student's stay in the gurukul.

Though the gurukul takes all precautions, it is not liable in case of an accident, unforeseen, which could take place within or outside gurukul campus, while out on excursions or taking part in sports/games or any other activity in the school. All expenses in the treatment of such cause will be borne by the parents/guardians of the child.
6. Every student is expected to take care of Gurukul property. He will have to pay for any damage he does to the Gurukul property or anything belonging to fellow students.
7. Disobedience, verbal or injurious misconduct to students and indiscipline in the Gurukul will be dealt with seriously.
8. If the dues of a student are not deposited for two months, the name of that student will be struck off.
9. Monthly fee and dues once paid will not be refunded or adjusted.
10. If a student remains absent for more than a week without any information, his name will be struck off the rolls and re-admission will be granted only after the deposition of Rs. 500/- and with prior approval of the Principal.
11. School Leaving Certificate will be issued one week after the submission of application for the same in the school office.